My Perfect 10

10 years ago today, I met the man who became my Master, in the virtual world and the “real” world alike, and the single most important person in my life. At the time he said things like “If you are still around in 10 years…” and “If you stay…” Obviously he did not know me yet. I am a stayer. It is now 10 years later, and I am still His.

So in honor of our 10th anniversary, I thought I would list 10 reasons why, after 10 years, I am still happily collared to my Master, Walter Balazic.

  1. He makes me happy.
  2. His desire is for me to stay with him and be his. My desire is to fulfill his desire.
  3. I made a vow to him, and I want to be a person who keeps her word.
  4. I absolutely adore him. I still tingle with joy every time he comes into the room.
  5. He takes care of me, even when that is not easy.
  6. He is an amazing person. I admire and respect his character and his many gifts… in fact I am in awe of him. He inspires me to be a better person.
  7. We have a lot of fun. He makes me laugh.
  8. He is always teaching me and opening countless new worlds. He even gave me a family, for all of whom whom I give thanks every day.
  9. It makes me proud to say that I belong to Walter Balazic.
  10. He has saved my life more times than I can count. I owe him a debt of gratitude I can never hope to repay; but I will keep trying for the rest of my life.

I love you, Master 🙂 Happy 10th Anniversary… here’s to 10 more!

Your faithful and loving subbie, Camryn

Author: Camryn Darkstone

After more than two decades exploring 3D virtual worlds and their possibilities for relationship and self expression, Camryn Darkstone is leading a life of quiet contentment, building and landscaping for Littlefield Grid with occasional projects in Second Life. Camryn has been active in online communities since the early 1980s, and, under other names, has written extensively about the ways that people relate to one another on the internet. Since 2009 Camryn has enjoyed a loving, consensual D/s relationship as submissive to Walter Balazic in both the virtual world and the "real" world.

2 thoughts on “My Perfect 10”

  1. Congratulations, Walter and Camryn! I am so pleased for you, with much admiration for you both 🙂 Ten years is a significant accomplishment in any world!

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