Why I became a blogger

I write so that I can explain myself.

There’s no explanation for you, says a voice inside my head. Indeed, that may be true. The world definitely needs some help understanding me. Few people bother to try. I am a very quiet person, solitary by nature. It’s not easy to know what’s going on in my head.

This is complicated by the fact that I tend to see things from unusual perspectives, turning ideas inside out. I’ve always been a little odd; my life experience has been anything but typical, and my view of the world was shaped by my experience. So when I do relate my thoughts, people are sometimes startled by them. But other times, they are intrigued. Occasionally even grateful. So I keep explaining.

Although I talk very little, writing has always come easily to me. I started writing online back in the 1980s. Missives on message boards gave way to emails and articles on web pages. I started my first blog in 2004 on Live Journal. A second one followed in 2007. Blogging, or journaling, comes naturally. I love writing my off-beat thoughts, and people seem to appreciate reading them.

Two months ago, I found myself contemplating my three-plus years in Second Life. A lot has happened to me; some of it very typical, some of it rather extraordinary.  I find that I need to try to understand what I’ve been through… to see if I can figure out who I’ve become, now. It’s a little confusing. I need to sort it all out. So I decided to write about it. There are one or two people who are interested in what I have to say about it all, but primarily I am writing for my own satisfaction.

Once again, I am compelled to try to explain myself.